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Our stage Plays and Musicals have been performed

for decades by schools and theatre groups worldwide. 


During the pandemic, we adapted some plays

and wrote new ones for virtual/hybrid theatre and distanced stage


Fill out our contact form,  or join our email list


Our scripts are suitable for ALL AGES and ABILITIES in

AMATEUR and PROFESSIONAL children’s theatre;


as well as CHURCH concerts.


Our plays are FUN for actors, directors and audiences















Our plays are EASY TO PRODUCE


Scripts are structured so that scenes can be

rehearsed separately, solo or in small groups. 

Our scripts are FLEXIBLE and can be fitted

to any ability, timing, gender and cast size.

Our scripts' structures ELIMINATE THE STRESS of figuring

out schedules to cast, train and rehearse. 



Our scripts are AGE APPROPRIATE with positive messages


The plays have WHOLESOME dialogue

reflecting good, clean FAMILY VALUES.


Their CATCHY, ORIGINAL POP SONGS are ideal for family audiences.
















We have personally produced all the plays in our catalogue

Based on our real experiences we compiled


for each of the plays and musicals. 

This supporting material is filled with valuable and inspiring

tips and advice to make the creative experience good,

positive fun for directors, teachers, cast and crew.


Our plays are BUDGET-FRIENDLY 

The scripts include performance rights and the Music,

Workbooks and supporting materials are reasonably priced.

Productions don’t require elaborate sets,

costumes, props, technology or effects.


Our scripts and music are all ORIGINAL

Mounting original theatre encourages true creativity,

genuine character development and other skills. 

Cast and crew are inspired by a sense of achievement,

rather than comparing their version to famous,

over-produced plays and musicals.


Our plays and musicals are written and composed

by experienced EDUCATORS and PERFORMERS 

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All of our shows can be

performed at multiple levels:

by Adults and Upper School actors at a  mature level, and also by young 

performers at a junior level.









Below is a list of available plays


that can be performed as

Musicals or

Plays, or

Virtual and Distanced


 contact us for more info, to request a sample and to order for your school or company.



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Original title: “Magical Mystery Man”











A fun-filled entertaining show packed with positive themes emphasizing empathy, kindness, gratitude, friendship, love, positivity, creativity and imagination.


Run time: 60 minutes +

Flexible cast size: 15 - 30 +

Principal Speaking roles:  +-15

Gender neutral roles:  most of them

Number of scenes for different rehearsal groups: 8

Ages of actors: elementary through high school and adults

Can be a Play or Musical

Songs: 11

You can hear the songs here.

(note: the youtube children's series on SegalKidsTV is different from

the stage play musical, but the songs are mostly the same)


Performance Package information


Nutshell Plot:

Spoiled, naughty siblings are bored.  Tired of homework and bossy grown-ups, they make a wish for a more free and exciting life. The Magical Mystery Magician and cute, quirky Assistants grant their wish and take them on an exhilarating adventure through time, in search of a better life without school or parents.  The children have fascinating encounters in the Past and the Future with scary and also friendly people, robots and other characters. 



The importance of true friendships

Appreciating parental care

There's more to life than just having fun 


Helping others

Home is still the Best Place




The Inside Story of Your Insides














An energetic, innovative, educational show set in Outer Space and Inner Space (heart, stomach, lungs and mind) and on Earth. 



Taking care of your Environment and Yourself: 

Healthy lifestyle, eliminating Stress, Empathy, Conservation, Positive attitude, Understanding how the Body works, 

Healthy choices for your body, community and environment.


Run time: 60 minutes +

Flexible cast size: 25  +

Speaking roles:  25 +

Gender neutral roles:  most of them

Number of different rehearsal groups: 7 - 9

Ages of actors: 5 - 18 and adults

Can be presented as a Play or a Musical

Songs: 13

You can request sample music by clicking here


Performance Package information



Nutshell Plot:

”Living!” takes the audience on a journey with 3 stereotypical families: the Stressed Family (song:"Stressed Out Family"), the Couch Potato Family ("Love Junk Food") and the Chain-Smoking Litterbug Family ("The Country Will Always Be There") - all leading unhealthy lifestyles while they're ("Driving on the Road through Life") . 


We go from the ("Guardians of the World") in outer space to “inner space” – yes, there’s an adventure inside the Body, where we meet the vital organs as comic characters highlighting why a healthy lifestyle is important.   Songs here include: ("We Gotta Pump It"),("Bring Back Those Good Old Days") ("Choose Life"), ("We're the Good Food/Junk Food"), ("Nutrients Rap"), ("Make A Friend of Your Feelings"), ("Try Communication")  


This musical is fun, upbeat, engaging and enlightening for the actors as well as family audiences, who will discover, in a delightful way, the inner workings of the Body and some basic goals for healthy living that we can all achieve “One Step At A Time”.





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A 1950’s era inspired, fun, heartwarming, colorful rock ‘n roll musical for the whole family.


Flexible cast size and genders:

Cast parts for pre-school through high school and adults.



Positive Themes:

Never give up even though your life may be a rocky road  

Look on the bright side of everything 

Don't be afraid of bullies 

Helping one another other


Standing up for what is right 


Run time: 60 minutes +

Flexible cast size: 15 - 30 +

Principal Speaking roles:  7- 8

Secondary Speaking roles:  +-15

Gender neutral roles:  most of them

Number of scenes for different cast groups:  7- 9

Ages of actors: pre-school through high school and adults

Can be a Play or Musical

Songs: 11

You can request samples of the songs by clicking here.


Performance Package information


Nutshell plot: 

A young runaway on a ("Rocky Road") while searching for her father ("Somewhere In A Dream") is befriended by homeless children ("Ain't Got Much") on her journey.  A lively sub-plot follows a group of kids on a quest to save their favorite hang outs - the Burger Palace ("We Love To Go To the Burger Palace")  and the Beauty School ("Proper Young Ladies") - from the sinister intentions of Big Bad John ("Big Bad John")  and his gang.


There are lots of fun characters to play, like the comic new arrival in town, Millie Greenbottom, kindly Uncle Tony, owner of the Burger Palace who has a crush on the unattainable Miss Masque, the strict and “proper” owner of the Charm School for "Proper Young Ladies" ("I'll Make You Over") ; Flamboyant film star, Valentine Prince and his film crew; Lisa, a sweet, and hard-working orphan who is a self-appointed guardian to other homeless kids ("Look For The Rainbow") ("Mommy, Daddy") ; and Eddie, leader of the tough street kids ("We Don't Care"); the customers of the Burger Palace; the Beauty School students; Big Bad John’s comic henchmen and many more. 


The heartwarming and engaging plot will leave you thinking of rocky road only as a delicious ice cream flavor. 






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A fun-filled, lively pantomime to encourage book reading instead of being hooked on mindlessly watching TV and

playing video games.



Flexible cast size:

Cast parts for elementary through high school and adults.


Audience participation.



Importance of Reading books, Family, Cooperation, Empathy and Community involvement. 

Don't judge a book by its cover. 

Beware of media marketing ploys and greed. 

Appreciating lessons from classic nursery rhymes and fairy tales.


Run time: 60 minutes +

Flexible cast size: 20 - 50 +

Principal Speaking roles:  20 +

Speaking roles:  20 +

Gender neutral roles:  most of them

Number of scenes for different cast groups: 13 different classes

Ages of actors: elementary through high school and adults

Can be a Play or Musical

Songs: 11

You can hear samples of the songs here.


Performance Package information



Nutshell Plot:

The musical opens on the top floor of a towering downtown office block, where “The Boss” (a media mogul) and his henchmen plot to rule the world by capturing the minds of the children.


We flash to the suburbs, where three very different siblings ("Sisters") are ordered by their frazzled parents to do their homework at the public library.  Cindy, the youngest, is awakened from an unauthorized nap by the magical library "Bookworms", who tell her that when children stop reading, Story Land gets in trouble. The White Rabbit ("It's Late") appears in the library to summon the Bookworms to the Queen's meeting and an entranced Cindy tags along.  Her siblings arrive just in time to follow the group through the magic bookshelves and into Story Land!


The rest of the show is a boisterous, comic adventure through distorted "Nursery Rhyme Land", Fairy Tale Land and Wonderland. 


Fabulous fun characters include Red Riding Hood, the three (very different) Little Pigs and their (very different) wives who reluctantly tolerate their family as they are forced to live together in Mr. & Mrs. Perfect Pig’s brick house ("We Are Family") ; “Ham” (pardon the pun) actor, Clarence de (Big Bad) Wolfe (newly vegetarian) and his Hollywood agent wife who don’t want to be stereotyped; Snow White, who tries to teach the mixed bag of dwarves and Goldilocks how to change their lives for the better ("Change For The Better") by practicing empathy; the "Mean Queen", who used to be kind, sweet Princess Rose, before the evil spirit in her mirror, Mirrorstopheles, took control of her personality, much to the dismay of her Ladies-in-Waiting.  

And more …


The Queen of Hearts’ courtroom is the setting for the climactic ending, when the Real World invades Story Land. 


In the epilogue, Cindy awakens from the dream (or was it?) and the siblings leave the library with a newfound determination to read more books. 




Storyland MGoose, WhRab, King Queen, Ali













A 1930’s type comedic mystery set in the 21st century  


Run time: 60 minutes +

Flexible cast size: 15 - 30 +

Number of scenes for different cast groups:  8 separate scenes

Principal Speaking roles:  +-23

Gender neutral roles:  most of them

Ages of actors: elementary through high school and adults

Can be a Play or Musical

Songs: 10

You can request samples of the songs by clicking here.


Performance Package information


Nutshell plot:

There are "Strange Happenings" up at Muck Hall, the derelict mansion on the hill.  The town counsel is inundated with "Complaints" and two realtors are fighting to sell the property ("You Gotta Sell That House!").  The local secret detective club (of kids, teens or other unlikely zealous sleuths, depending on your cast) ("I Love A Mystery")  takes on the case, precipitating a tongue-in-cheek, rollicking musical comedy, rich with outlandish characters, situations and one-liners.  Good, hearty fun for the cast and the whole family.


Fabulous characters, like battling Realtors (or are they?), the portly Mayor and Town Counsel, Lord and Lady Muck and their "Rich and Famous" family, Boris Belchalot with his weird group traveling from "Ombia" (or are they?),  "CIA" spies in farcical situations, Professor Knowitall ("Fear") who holds the key to the mystery and more, make

for a rewarding, entertaining experience for cast and audience. 




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An ensemble show about one summer at Camp Runamuck.


Run time: 60 minutes +

Flexible cast size: 15 - 30 +

Scenes for different rehearsal groups: +-5

Principal Speaking roles:  10 - 15 +

Gender neutral roles:  most of them

Ages of actors: higher elementary through middle  & high school

Songs: 9

You can request samples of the songs by clicking here.

Performance Package information



Fun adventures at Camp Runamuck, from the frazzled parents and kids, to the varied groups of boys and girls, counselors and directors at the camp.  There are cute songs about writing Letters Home, with one group being homesick and the other group loving every minute of the same camp; a “first love” song, scary fireside stories and audience involvement in the “Runamuck Chant”.


Nutshell plot:

The play opens in the last days of the school year with the Parents and their Children sick of each other and sing “I’m Mad, Really Mad!”.  There are some amusing scenes showing what different families go through choosing different types of camps.  The rest of the musical takes place at the camp.  “Are You Ready for the Summer?”  We meet the Camp Counselors who are varied character types (nerdy, show-off, dreamy, romantic, spoiled, sporty). 


Runamuck is usually a girls’ camp, but this summer they are having boy campers too and so there is a funny song showing the boys’ and girls’ reactions to having to share the same camp.  The younger campers arrive and display their different character types in a song, “Summer Camp Kids”:  the Spoiled kids, Scared kids, Rough kids, Fun kids.  There is a First Date scene (“Somewhere a Boy is Waiting”), a “writing home” song about being home-sick “Dear Mom and Dad”, a vignette about spreading “Rumors”; a funny Camp Director and some scary fireside tales.  The audience is involved in the “Runamuck Chant” .The Finale is the tearful goodbye.


There is one set: the outdoors at the camp in the woods. 

Other scenes can take place in front of curtain with few to no props.




"M E L A N I E !"


This is the original South African musical upon which “Rocky Road” was based. 


It’s a 1930-40’s style musical about a child being raised on her grandparents' Farm.  There are some comic Farm scenes and Market Day scenes.  Melanie runs away to the Big City seeking her father and meets interesting characters on the way.  She is helped by some street urchins. And, of course, there's a "Happy Ending!" 


Please contact us for more information on this show.


A Refusenik Musical


Suitable for High School or Adult cast.  

Some parts for Elementary through Middle School children.


The riveting story of a family’s quest for freedom and unity, illustrates the plight of the Refuseniks, who were desperate to leave their hostile birth land to live a life of freedom in America. 


Based on the accounts of Refusenik dissidents, the author has woven an exciting, enlightening, poignant, sometimes humorous, fictional tale of desperation, family sacrifice and love, illustrating the resilience of a determined people who would not give up their beliefs or their dreams.  Beautiful songs will have you laughing, crying and thoroughly enjoying your journey back to the 1980’s.


Contact us for more details.




So we can HELP you, tell us Your NAME, EMAIL, SCHOOL or ORGANIZATION,

which PLAY you want to

Sample or Order,


Other Comments or Questions.


ADD TO YOUR CONTACTS so your play lands in your InBox and not in SPAM Thank you.


We will never share your information


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