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The Show WILL

Go On! :)

Just because we're quarantined and virtual, doesn't mean we have to give up EVERYTHING we enjoy!  We figured out a way for you to still have FUN theater classes and productions - virtually!!  

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Now Available...

"Trouble in Nursery Rhyme Land"

Virtual Play

TROUBLE IN NURSERY RHYME LAND: A Bookish Comedy for the Virtual Stage


Cast Details:  Flexible cast of 16+ 

(7 Female, 5 Male, 4 of either gender, plus possible ensemble or chorus)


Time:  +- 45 minutes


Setting:  Nursery Rhyme Land exterior


Trouble In Nursery Rhyme Land Is a clever, entertaining comedy with parts for new and more experienced actors of any age.  This wholesome play or musical is fun for all audiences.


Summary:  Real world children aren’t reading enough to keep Story Land stable, so everything is going terribly wrong! 


Mother Goose deals with the fallout in Nursery Rhyme Land, where Mary’s Little Lamb has become “too cool for school”, Little Miss Muffet discovers spider repellant, Peter’s pumpkin shell house is rotting and The King of Hearts is being sued by Jack and Jill, the three Blind Mice, the Knave and the Maid hanging up the clothes!  The Crooked Man, who has ulterior motives, stirs up trouble, but Mother Goose with help from the audience, the White Rabbit and the magic library Bookworms may save the day!


This fun play to encourage children to read, works well with or without its up-tempo, memorable original music. (Click here to listen to a sample of music)


Note:  All roles in this play can be accomplished by any level of actor, professional and amateur.


The play is specifically written to accommodate actors of all levels of experience and confidence, from less challenging roles to exciting character roles for more seasoned actors. 




So we can HELP you, tell us Your NAME, EMAIL, SCHOOL or ORGANIZATION,

which PLAY you want to

Sample or Order,


Other Comments or Questions.


ADD TO YOUR CONTACTS so your play lands in your InBox and not in SPAM Thank you.


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